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You can find all detailed documentation of my tools here, and links to download.

Dataline v1.0

A project management system, auto Folder Generator

"Dataline"- a film/episodic/freelance project pipeline core folder generator, based on Python 3.7.7 and tkinter GUI and other python libraries like pillow(PIL). | dataline Python tool for vfx pipeline


Purpose: by using Dataline,

1) anyone can Generate Show(project) > asset > Sequence > Shot - based Complete folder structure from rnd/start to project delivery/finish with ease

2) It helps to maintain a proper workflow across artists, technical directors, developers, producers, directors, clients at one place.

Backburner v1.0(beta)

A batchRender Dispatcher, CLI render manager


"Backburner"- a film/episodic/freelance shot renderer for Maya, Katana, Houdini, Nuke, Renderman and Arnold, based on Python 3.7.7 and PySide6 (Qt6) GUI and other python libraries like pillow(PIL).


Purpose: by using Backburner,

1) anyone can dispatch multiple render on Local Host. It renders images in background and threads manageable

2) It helps to maintain a proper workflow across artists, technical directors, developers, producers, directors, clients at one place.

Nuke Gizmos

Gizmo_group nodes, to work in faster pace in Foundry Nuke


In my academic time, I have learned compositing/nuke first and then lighting .. So naturally nuke was my first buddy.


In MPC, while working as a lighting artist, created some gizmos to help lighters to avoid repetitive tasks, reduce simple workloads while doing pre compositing, slap-compositing or these can even help hardcore compositors as well!

Katana Macros

Custom nodes and scripts for Foundry Katana

Artboard 3.png

I have learned Katana at MPC. before that usually I was very familiar with one and only Autodesk Maya. And honestly it was a nightmare in first few months to understand katana. But now I think this is one of the best.


The node base system in katana is really awesome. And on that note, Macro or a custom made node/group node, can help artists to avoid un-necessary mistakes or shortcut to something else with just few clicks!


In MPC I have contributed couple of Macros in pipeline. Besides that few are yet to be published for independent users

** This page is under development.

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